A fond childhood memory I have is making mini pizzas and hot chocolate when it was cold outside. At 55, I still enjoy them! I like to take English Muffins, grab some premade pizza sauce, shredded cheese, and cut up a bunch of things for people of all ages to create their pizza masterpiece. I find people enjoy pepperoni, sausage, tomato, pineapple, mushrooms, shrimp, ham, black olives, basil, spinach, broccoli, chicken, yellow pepper, red pepper, green pepper, and anything else you can think of! It’s fun. It’s easy. It’s quick. And even the little ones can create their own pizza with pride. Some of my friends prefer to use pizza dough, but whatever you use, it’ll be a hit!
Another favorite, any time of the day, is having some cinnamon toast. My Aunt Ducky, yes, I had an Aunt Ducky, always had a shaker filled with sugar and cinnamon. So, when we came in from playing in the snow, or just wanted something warm in our bellies, she would give us cinnamon toast. It’s a quick, yummy fix!
For an easy dinner to come home to during the winter, pull out the crock pot. If your family likes pot roast, you can purchase a packet of seasoning at your local grocery story for pot roast, quickly cut up some vegetables, put all the ingredients in the crock pot and, for about $20.00, you’ll easily have 4 to 6 meals.
If you want to plan a meal ahead, make some chili which can easily be vegan by the ingredients you choose. Chili is easy to freeze, as are soups, so you can pull them out when time is short for a quick, healthy dinner.
For the pasta lovers, make some pasta, drain it, put it in a bowl, and pour your favorite spaghetti sauce over it. After you mix it together, put a layer in the bottom of an 8 x 10 baking dish, put a layer of cheese on it, add another layer of the sauce & pasta, and finish it off with another layer of cheese. Pop it in the oven for about 15 – 20 minutes so the cheese can melt, and it’s delicious out of the oven and as leftovers. If you want to add some protein to it, cook some hamburger or sausage and mix it with the pasta and sauce before putting it in your baking dish.